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How to Prepare for Your First Marketing Meeting

How to Prepare for Your First Marketing Meeting

Those new to marketing or those who are taking their first ventures into outsourcing their marketing, want to make sure they are getting the most out of their investment, and rightfully so.  

Signing up for marketing services and making the most out of your resources can help your business grow in a major way. Marketing efforts from an established firm will help you attract new customers, develop effective strategies to achieve your goals, and forge a strong brand identity that will stand the test of time. 

That all starts with your first marketing meeting. Coming into your first marketing meeting prepared will mean that you and your marketing partners can hit the ground running. This post will give you everything you need to prepare before your first meeting, including tips on how you can communicate your needs with your marketing partner, how to set goals, and how to ask the right questions. Keep reading to learn more! 

people having a meeting around a table

How Do I Get the Most Out of My Marketing Meeting? 


It is completely natural to be unsure about what to expect from your first marketing meeting. Oftentimes, these meetings are get-to-know-you sessions where you and your marketing partner establish a rapport, work to understand each other's strengths and discuss your tone, audience, and goals. 

For this meeting, you need to come with:

  • Your established needs like tone, type of materials you want, and questions you need to be answered.

  • An open mind. Your new marketing partners will have suggestions for you that you may not have previously considered. 

While your marketing partners are experts, don’t forget that marketing is a collaborative process. Let them know your ability to contribute and what kinds of materials you can give them. Don’t be afraid to turn down suggestions if they are not right for you and your brand.  

In the next section, we will discuss how you can communicate your needs to your marketing partner during your first meeting. 

writing on a whiteboard

Communicating Your Needs with Your Marketing Partner 


The best thing you can do is to come into your first marketing meeting with an understanding of your tone and a knowledge of your audience.  

  • Tone. Tone is important because it says how your brand will speak to its audience. Is your company sleek and sophisticated? Tough and rugged? Light and humorous? How you speak to your audience will determine the direction of a lot of your content.

  • Audience. Knowing your audience is half the battle. Help your marketing team understand who is buying your products or services, why, and some new demographic you would like to target going forward. 

Once tone and audience are established, your marketing team will be able to delve into important strategies. Be curious and use your knowledge about your audience.  

Do not be afraid to adjust your tone or understanding of your audience based on the info and expertise your marketing partners offer. Remember that this is a developing discussion. You can change your trajectory at any time to add or take away any strategies.  

However, in your first meeting, you and your marketing team are working to develop your initial strategy that will serve as a launching point.  


Keep An Open Mind: Goals and Questions 


It is a good idea to come into the first meeting with some rough goals that you would like to accomplish in the realm of social media, blogging, and SEO. For example, you might wish to focus on growing your social media following in the first year. Or you might want to improve your site ranking on Google results pages.  

Giving your marketing team any idea of what you would like to accomplish will help them tailor marketing strategies to your business.  

It is also okay if you don’t know where you need to improve! You are here to ask questions and learn. Your marketing experts don’t expect you to have all the answers. They have worked with other clients facing the same issues you are now. They will be able to help you develop a marketing plan whether you are a new business or long-established.  

Growing brand awareness and helping stagnant businesses develop is what marketing firms do. Keep an open mind going into your first marketing meeting, come with a few goals, and ask plenty of questions. Success will come with time, patience, and consistency. 


Launch Your Marketing Efforts with Legend Web Works


Outsourcing your marketing can be daunting. You have grown your business into what it is today, venturing to work with a new team is always an unknown but if you find a team with a strong reputation and a track record of success, then together you can go far. 

If you are looking for a Cincinnati marketing firm that has helped dozens of businesses just like yours find success, then Legend Web Works may be the perfect fit for you. 

Click here to start a conversation with Legend Web Works now! 

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